Room 219 is the place where four friends' love of Jazz was born as middle schoolers. The name Room 219 Combo is a tribute to that place and to their former band director, Bob Athayde. The band is composed of Tommy Gallagher on drums, Spencer Tantameng on vibes, Lucas Chow on piano, and Nathan Joseph on Moog. "Saturday in September" was recorded on location at the Acalanes High School band room in Lafayette, California, where all the members are either alumni or currently enrolled as of the record's release. Bay Area Veteran engineer Matt Boudreau, who is a well-known voice in the Pro Audio community for his Working Class Audio podcast, produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered the record in stereo and Dolby Atmos. "Saturday in September" is a glimpse into the future of four highly talented young men at the beginning of a long career, collectively or individually.

- Omicron
- Gingerbread Boy
- Unwavering Desire
- Unconditional Love
- When Sunny Gets Blue
- Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum