Arthur King’s impromptu composition and performance inspired by Jim Freeman and Greg Macgillivray’s film “Five Summer Stories” recorded live at The River LA. For this performance Arthur King is Mark Kimbrell, David Ralicke, Chuck Soo-Hoo, Joel Virgel, and Peter Walker. The film selector was Liz Garo. The album was recorded by Andy Petr & Chad Carlisle, produced and mixed by Peter Walker and KamranV, and mastered by KamranV. Graphic design by Francie Chang.
This release is encoded using the dublab Quadraphonic Universally Accessible Resource Kit (QUARK), enabling binaural listening via standard 2-channel playback, immersive hi-fi receivers, or computer. This album is quad immersive via all formats: digital download, streaming (Spotify, SoundCloud, YouTube, etc), radio broadcast, cassette tape and high-resolution Dolby Atmos.

Introduction By Liz Garo
- Introduction By Liz Garo
- Part One
- Part Two
- Part Three
- Part Four
- Part Five
- Part Six
- Part Seven
- Part Eight
- Part Nine
- Part Ten
- Part Eleven
- Part Twelve
- Part Thirteen

Arthur King
Arthur King is an experimental musical ensemble seeking to engage the tension between the known and unknown inherent in creative expression. As one of the many endeavors coming out of multimedia artist Peter Walker’s AK Studio, the group’s music is a study in uncertainty, fluid adaptation, and musical connectivity. UMN (Unknown Movie Night) is a recurring series of live film-scoring events where the selected film is unknown to both audience and band until it begins. Discerning film selectors and a rotating cast of guest musicians join Arthur King in making each event unique, taking participants on a journey into the unknown.