Tuvayhun - Beatitudes For A Wounded World
Nidarosdomens Jentekor (Auro-3D FLAC + Dolby Atmos MP4 + Dolby Atmos MKV)
Digital Download
The music of Tuvayhun takes us on a journey through deep emotions and deeply human situations. The music moves in and out, occupying the liminal space between ancient and modern, sacred and profane. We move from semi-liturgical chant to lively folk dance, from rich orchestral layers to stark solos, from the familiar to the exotic, and back again. The music illuminates the many different peoples and experiences the texts evoke, and serves in sonic form as a reminder of the universal and enduring message of the Beatitudes. Please note these files are very large and may require additional download time.

The Poor In Spirit
- The Poor In Spirit
- I Am Poor
- The Merciful
- Forty Days and Forty Nights
- The Peacemaker
- What Is Peace
- The Meek
- Rachel's Song
- The Pure In Heart
- The Face Of God
- I Hope
- Those Who Mourn
- Song For A Lily
- Those Who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
- Song For Justice
- Those Who Are Persecuted For Righteousness' Sake
- Hold My Hand
- You Are The Light