Dorothee Munyaneza initially gained worldwide exposure following her film music debut on the soundtrack of the Oscar-nominated 2004 feature film "Hotel Rwanda." Her subsequent recording collaborations with Afro Celt Sound System as a guest singer on their Real World Records releases, "Volume 5 - Anatomic" (2005) and "Capture" (2010) and occasional live performances with the band were greeted with critical acclaim, with her impassioned singing making her instantly popular among the devotees of the band worldwide. This solo project, developed over several years with Grammy-nominated composer, producer and engineer Martin Russell, marks her full emergence into the world music arena.
- Iminsi
- Njyenyine
- Nyicara
- Godeliva
- Iteka
- Akaririmbo
- Ingoma
- Agaciro
- Inzozi
- Urugendo
- One Minute
- Urugamba
- Icyatumye
- Igihe
- Batanu
Dorothee Munyaneza
Dorothee Munyaneza initially gained worldwide exposure following her film music debut on the soundtrack of the Oscar-nominated 2004 feature film “Hotel Rwanda.” Her subsequent recording collaborations with Afro Celt Sound System as a guest singer on their Real World Records releases, “Volume 5 – Anatomic” (2005) and “Capture” (2010) and occasional live performances with the band were greeted with critical acclaim, with her impassioned singing making her instantly popular among the devotees of the band worldwide. Her solo project, developed over several years with Grammy-nominated composer, producer and engineer Martin Russell, marks her full emergence into the world music arena.